Thursday, October 8, 2009

Going to pick up VIP style. . . I'm not that excitted though

Today I am going to pick up VIP style magazine. You would think I would be ecstatic to get it because my pretty mug is in it. Truth is, I am not all that hyped about it. Why you may ask? One reason would be, I don't have a car. Seeing my ride in a magazine will just make me miss it more. Second reason is because it is not a feature. I already went in on that in my last blog so you know the deal on why I would be bitter. I am just using the fact that I am in the magazine as an excuse to get it since I have not picked up a VIP mag in close to a year. This issue also has all the sexy girls of the style in it which is another big reason I want to get it. It's still cool that I got in there since I don't own any K-Break parts. I bet the Japanese were cracking up when they seen the pic because I am not even Asian.

It's time to put the pic up on my Minkara page in hope to get groupie love from females when I go to Japan. I had to put the "from females" in there cause I know how some of those guys do over there. Not that I go out of my way to take a second look at the male owners in the magazines but some of these pic's are not cool at all. You see grown men hugging each other with daisy dukes on.

Last thing,
If you are taking the pic (k-break/vanilla ice haircut) too seriously, thanks. You people are the ones that make it all worth while for me. If you know me, you know I do stupid stuff all the time even if it means being the bud of the joke. That is who I am. I wasn't made to blend in. If I really cared all that much what people thought, my car would not be what it is today. Ok bad example, what my car was last year ;)

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